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Unmanned Aerial Systems

Unmanned aircraft


Identification of methods and requirements to implement Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) programs at specific locations. UTM establishes flow control procedures that will be necessary for safety and efficiency. These services include:

  • Establishing traffic management procedures that integrate unmanned activities with existing aircraft operations

  • Review anticipated demand at vertiports to ensure continuous service from inception to scaled operations

  • Collaborate with existing air traffic control facility Traffic Management Units to promote a safe, efficient and sustainable level of operations

  • Continually review area of operations to assess impact of all aviation activity and unmanned aircraft, and develop traffic management contingencies if necessary


UTM (Unmanned Traffic Management)

Planning and requirements to implement UTM for all unmanned operations such as sUAS and UAM operations.



Operational assessment and processing requirements for sUAS activities such as package delivery, first responder programs, and entertainment industry use


Vertiport Location Assistance

Vertiport location assessment and integration requirements identification, Concept-of-Operations (conops) development, coordination with governmental agencies

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